[Product Image]
Product NameLenovo Notebook with 15 inch TFT Screen
DescriptionLenovo Insipon 6000 64-2 Notebook with 17 inch TFT Screen 1440x900
Unit Price$999.00
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C = Component
A = Assembly
F = Finished Product

Lenovo Notebook with 15 inch TFT Screen

Bill of Material

LvlQtyProduct IDName
L11COM-CPU-MP4CIntel Mobil CPU 1.6 GHZ
L11COM-MEM-M256CSDRAM 256mb for Notebook
L11SF-OS-WINXP-PROCWindows XP Pro OEM Edition
L11STO-CMB-CDFDCCombo CD and FDD Low Profile
L11STO-HDD-ATA30C30 GB ATA30 HDD for Notebooks
L11SUB-NB-14C14.1 TFT Screen MB02 Centrino Shell
(Level 1) Labor & Overhead