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Web Design & Development





We can design and develop website for your business and or personal needs! We will plan it with you, we will build it for, and we will promote it for you. For those of you who have already your own website, think of what impression does your website give. Does it take your business to the supreme level? You should expect your website to not only look great, but perform great, giving you the features that you need. When you work with our talented dedicated web experts, you can expect just that.

We have designed, developed, hosting, continue maintaining and nourishing this and other web sites on our local Web Servers:



Web Application Development Process


Web Application Development Process organizes a practical procedure and approach in application development.

The following list of procedures and suggested documents provide a good outline for a Web Application Lifecycle and Process:

o   Roadmap Document: Defining Web Application, Purpose, Goals and Direction

o   Researching and Defining Audience Scope and Security Documents

o   Creating Functional Specifications or Feature Summary Document

o   Team Collaboration and Project Management Document

o   Technology Selection, Technical Specifications, Illustrative Diagram of Web Application Architecture and Structure, Development Methodology, Versions Control, Backups, Upgrades, Expansion and Growth Planning Document, Server Hardware / Software Selection

o   Third Party Vendors Analysis and Selection (Merchant Account and Payment Gateway, SSL Certificate, Managed Server / Collocated Server Provider, Fulfillment Centers, Website Visitor Analytics Software, Third Party Checkout Systems, etc.)

o   Application Visual Guide, Design Layout, Interface Design, Wire Framing

o   Database Structure Design and Web Application Development

o   Testing: Quality Assurance, Multiple Browser Compatibility, Security, Performance - Load and Stress Testing, Usability

o   Maintenance


Web Application Testing

Testing is an important part of the Web Application Development process. On occasion, testing would consume more manpower and time than development itself.

Below are some of the most common testing needed for any web application development process:

o    Quality Assurance and Bug Testing

o    Multiple Browser Compatibility

o    Application Security

o    Performance - Load and Stress Testing

o    Usability


Trends and Popularity

The demands for companies to build Web Applications are growing substantially.

If planned and built correctly, web application can:

o    Reach and service millions of consumers and businesses

o    Generate substantial, multi-layer / multi-category income from consumers, businesses and advertisers

o    Easily build business goodwill and assets based on audience reach, popularity, technology and potential growth

Below are good reasons for companies to build web applications:

o    Companies want to streamline their internal departments and functions, operations, sales and project management, etc.

o    Companies want to take advantage of a web based application's flexibility and versatility, by moving away from the traditional desktop application platform to the web application platform

o    Companies want to gain more clients or better service their current clients by offering convenient services and solutions online

o    Companies want to build new web applications to offer innovative services or solutions to online users and businesses

Business Impact

Today's web applications have substantial business impact on the way companies and consumers do business such as:

o    There are opportunities to gain the upper hand and bypass the traditional brick and mortar companies when this type of opportunity was rarely possible or existed before the explosion of the web

o    The new web created a global business environment which challenges the way in which traditional companies do business

o    Companies need to reinvent and evolve in order to compete in today's trends, online business and global marketplace

o    Businesses and consumers have more options and resources to research and easily compare and shop around for the best deals

o    Information and resources are immense and available to everyone who seeks it

o    Businesses or companies who used to profit from consulting or advice, that can now be easily acquired online are struggling, and will need to take a new business direction if they want to stay solvent.





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